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Invitation to Agreement
Among Distinguished Signers
of the
Declaration of Human Unity


Eugene Haggerty; Fang Lizhi,
professor of physics, astrophysicist and
democracy advocate;  
Dr. Fang's wife, Li Shuxian (center)
Eugene Haggerty, project coordinator;
Thomas Lu (center), journalist;
Oscar Arias Sánchez,
President, Costa Rica;
Peace Nobelist (1987) 



Human Inquiry and
 Forming a Human World

As we alive can attest, humankind survived the perils of twentieth-century world wars. Why chance our luck in the twenty-first century? What are our chances today?

Credible people are warning that civilization could self-destruct. In his acclaimed book Our Final Hour, Sir Martin Rees, Royal Society Professor of Cambridge University, considers, "I think the odds are no better than fifty-fifty that our present civilization on Earth will survive to the end of the present century."  And a sobering docudrama, Last Best Chance, written by Ben Goddard (and available at, presents near-future nuclear terrorism scenarios, with highest priority warnings from Sam Nunn and Senator Richard Lugar. Jared Diamond's Collapse and Richard A. Posner's Catastrophe are among other studies forewarning us.           

 The day after a nuclear attack, what would we wish we had done?
Why aren't we doing it now?  
—Former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn

Living solely out of our differences, are we all fated to be "part of the problem"? Or, from the human, can we all be "part of the solution"? Let us examine rigorously and expedite urgently, the Human Unity Project's profoundly practical, economical and prudent initiative, for ensuring the security and wholeness of all our lives and environments on Earth. 

In particular, we have apparently discovered how to dry up the root motivations of terrorists, and even to extinguish our insupportable wars. These scourges appear to stem from a world zero-sum disagreement paradigm. This now "lose-lose" paradigm, extrapolating from a presupposed nature and primacy of our divided interests, is entirely outdated and impractical. The paradigm is blind to  the paramount question and unique capacity of ourselves, as humans, to connect and relate integrally and optimally with all of the world's individual humans, diverse groupings and institutions. Let us consider:

"We are all humans." 
This is our primary and empirically obvious actuality, which opens us up all the way from agreeing we ourselves are humans, to implicit and explicit levels of agreement, to universal human agreement, to common sense applications of our agreements for ensuring the security and wholeness of all our lives and environments on Earth.  How, in action steps, can these priorities—shared as humans—be  accomplished? Let us further consider:

Human Inquiry Initiative

We are developing serial-while-concurrent, human-focused operations for—
Agreeing that we are all humans, a primal and incomparably practical agreement beyond all disagreements.
Valuing the human, the quintessence of our lives.
Including ourselves as humans, each and all of us on Earth.
Focusing directly on the human of our lives, integrally with all our myriad differences.
Deepening contacts with journalists, entertainers, and others with effective resources for bringing the message of Human Unity to the world.
Reporting, celebrating and engaging  all humans toward realizing everyone's shared human priorities.
Coordinating the world’s human population—toward the security and wholeness of all our lives and environments. 
Facilitating all people as individual humans, in building upon their unique human resources and talents.
Surveying our shared human priorities.
Co-creating our lives and our world–humankind now our entire support group.

Shaping our lives through our human agreement, we are free, at long last, to become fully alive and whole, building mutually nourishing relationships with all individual humans, diverse groupings, institutions and environments on Earth.

To deepen our scientifically tentative while robust inquiry, we have invited distinguished, highly recommended thinkers and personages to vet and expedite the project. We have found that the human-focused project is the recipient of an unprece-dented, worldwide cross section of support. The project demonstrates unique and fundamental validity.

Among American leaders favoring the foundation of the project are Jimmy Carter, Walter Cronkite, Bill Gates Sr., Sam Nunn and George Shultz. Many hundreds of Americans have signed the Declaration of Human Unity. Worldwide, additional hundreds have signed the Declaration or otherwise supported the project.

Human Coordination Initiative—
Forming a Human World

We implicitly, yet more and more explicitly, agree to what is completely obvious—that we are all humans. The circulation of a Declaration of Human Unity throughout the world has enated this human agreement, becoming increasingly explicit and operative in human affairs.

The Human Unity Project serves to optimize all humans’ life prospects, while integrating and uplifting our treasured differences and institutions with the human whole. Please Note: Below is a provisional schema solely to facilitate inquiry. We especially take into consideration amendments of this schema and proposals of other human-world structures, as well as names of prospective coordinators and associate coordinators. (This schema is modified from consultations with the late Carl Rogers, world-renowned author-psychologist.)

To provide structure for an emerging human-focused world, we are composing a plan of twenty-two Human Unity Coordinators, two from each of eleven regions approximate in population. The twenty-two coordinators allow for 1) direct human-with-human conversations at plenary meetings of the eleven regions and 2) interactive leader-public communication both with the world public and within each of the particular regions.

The distinguished persons below are listed as exemplars only. As highly esteemed, public- and human-spirited personages who are especially well known in their particular region of the world, they represent the highest caliber and honor of leaders appropriate as prospective Human Unity Coordinators. Names with an asterisk (*) are signatories of the Declaration of Human Unity.

                      Provisional Design of Structure
                                                    for a 
                        Human-Focused World

11 Equal-Population Regions
           Partial List of 22 Exemplar 
          Human Unity Coordinators
1. Africa Desmond M. Tutu* - Anglican Archbishop Emeritus of South Africa; Nobel Peace Laureate (1984)
2. Asia (Undetermined) [Open]
3. Asianesia (from Japan to Indonesia) Mochtar Lubis* - Director General, Press Foundation of Asia; Jakarta, Indonesia
4. English-speaking Region Walter Cronkite* (dec.) - journalist, author and lecturer (US)
5. Europe Václav Havel - author-playwright; Former President, Czech Republic
6. Islamic Asia Muhammad Yunus - Bangladeshi economist and founder, Grameen Bank; Nobel Peace Laureate  (2006) 
7. Latin America Oscar Arias Sánchez* - President of Costa Rica; Nobel Peace Laureate (1987)
Javier Pérez de Cuéllar* - Peruvian diplomat-author; Former UN Secretary General (1982–1991) 
8. North China Fang Lizhi* - astropysicist; proponent of democracy and human rights 
Liu Xiaobo -
2008 Homo Homini Awardee (presented by Václav Havel); Charter 2008 promoter of human rights, democracy and nonviolence; arrested; Beijing, China
9. North India Satya Paul* - General Secretary, Servants of the People Society, New Delhi, India
Vimala Thakar* - philosopher-lecturer, Mount Abu, India
10. South China [Open]
11. Undetermined The Dalai Lama* - leader of Tibetan Buddhism, Nobel Peace Laureate (1989)












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