We are all human beings |
Allegiance to
human life |
Although it is quite obvious that we are all human beings, we currently bestow uncritical allegiance to our
deeply cherished differences (such as race, sex, religion, vocation, culture and nationality). It is mostly through
these differences that our lives are defined, and our hopes are either realized or dashed. Too often, sole
reliance on our differences leads to alienation, distrust and violence.
Do we not also owe allegiance to human life? What opportunities may emerge if we begin to live our lives
out of our universal human agreement?
"There lies before us, if we choose; continual progress in happiness, knowledge
and wisdom. Shall we, instead choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels?"
- Bertrand Russell
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A working hypothesis:
We humans are heirs to a uniquely powerful agreement which could optimize every aspect of our lives - in every
part of the world.
Our implicit (frequently forgotten) agreement that we are all human beings is the bedrock reality and primary resource of our lives.
By building on our agreement that we are all humans, we can begin to secure and make whole our lives, property and environments throughout the world.
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Testing the hypothesis -
making our unique human
universally explicit
and operative
World Public Forum has undertaken a worldwide inquiry into our life-affirming hypothesis with the circulation of the Declaration
of Human Unity and development of the Human Unity Project. The Declaration has been signed and the Project supported by hundreds of distinguished
public-spirited leaders from scientific, political, religious, economic, entertainment and media communities worldwide..
We hereby declare our unity as human
beings beyond all our differences.
from the "Declaration of Human Unity"
Invitation to Agreement and Unity--Beyond All our Differences -
We invite you to add your
signature to this nonpartisan, human-focused document
Why not also leave a donation to World Public Forum:
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a human-
way of life
Stepping out from the bedrock of human agreement, we will begin to reveal and explore the inherent wholeness
hidden beneath the fragmented climate of modern life.
In this process, we will also begin to:
Integrate our differences and institutions into the human of our lives.
Restore and renew the ability of our
institutions to serve our needs.
Redirect trillions of dollars now lost
because of our disagreements and fears of each other.
Harmonize and deepen our relationship
with the earth.
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A scenario for
Human Wholeness
We live our lives out of our divided identities rather than as human beings. In a human-focused world, our divided
identities will become precious contributions integral with the whole and promise of our lives. This has never happened before.
We are in uncharted territory. The following is a human-focused scenario for a reasoned construction and wholeness of our lives on Earth.
1. Contact public-spirited journalists, entertainers and others who will bring the message of Human Unity to
the world.
2. Report, celebrate and, in every effective way, awaken all humans to the crucial security and incomparable fulfillment advantages of human agreement, unity
and wholeness.
3. Facilitate all people in addressing their disagreements with the unique resource of their foundational human
4. Conduct a human priorities survey throughout the world to document our shared human concerns.
5. Implement a global agenda to optimize our lives, property and environments throughout the world, our most beautiful and precious home where we all must live.
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What might you
right now?
If you agree that this may be the missing link to optimize the prospects of life on earth
for ourselves and our children, then: |
- Sign the Declaration of Human Unity.
- Contribute your thoughtfulness, talents,
and active support.
- Bring the vision of our human-focused outlook to friends, colleagues and loved ones.
- Join us in reaching more of the key
people whose qualities of leadership,
integrity, and public trust will facilitate
our outreach to all human beings.
A suggestion -
Allow your connection with
this endeavor to become a
living process which ennobles
your life, the lives of the people
you touch, all of life.
'Through our scientific genius, we have made this world a neighborhood; now, through our moral and spiritual development,
we must make of it a brotherhood."
- Rev.
Martin Luther King, Jr. |
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"We AreAll
This initiative offers you an opportunity to bring the best of yourself and your unique talents to the
fulfillment of the human promise.
Your signature to the DECLARATION OF HUMAN UNITY will hasten the advent of a human-focused world, grounded
in the bedrock of human agreement.
We invite you to take this opportunity now: to add your name to the Declaration and return it to our
address. We also request a contribution appropriate to your life circumstances. (NOTE: A contribution is not required
to add your name to the roster of signers.)
Your inquiries and suggestions are welcome - you can reach us at the addresses/numbers below.
Attn: Eugene Haggerty
P.O. Box 12068
San Francisco, California 94112 USA
Telephone: 415.661.9980
Facsimile: 415.333.1995
E-mail: humanunity@humanunity.org
*a public benefit nonprofit organization
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