The events and aftermath of September 11, 2001, have shown us that we live in a most extraordinary time of pivotal events and rapidly accelerating changes that could propel our entire world toward either self-destruction or an unexpectedly wondrous endowment: the security and wholeness of our lives and environments, for each and all on Earth. The choices we are making right now—and those we will make—determine the quality of our lives, and even more so, that of our children’s lives. The Human Unity Project addresses these worldwide issues from a universally agreeable, as well as supremely affordable, practical, and prudent platform. As you evaluate the Project, consider the highly thoughtful and accomplished leaders from all walks of life who saw compelling merit in it (see enclosed names and statements in "Signers of the Declaration of Human Unity" and "Human-Focused Quotations"). Surely we owe it to ourselves and our children to give Human Unity our most serious consideration. A paradigm shift for all: We have emerged from the
family, the band, the clan, the tribe, the nation—but not yet to the human. Our humanness left in the background,
each of us is born into a culture, religion, nation (among other identifications) that separates us. We do not
live Consider that we on Earth are culturally disconnected from one other. In this way, we live as orphans, cut off from one another and from our own core. This is our moment to reconstitute ourselves as human beings. Our fulfillment as humans, and indeed our survival, may well depend on the most broadly shared identification, of ourselves as humans, beyond all our differences. Focusing on an ab initio agreement, that we are all humans, is the action that brings all of our differences into integral and optimal relationship with the human whole. The advent of United Humans: A realization is emerging that everything we want, love, value, and hope for—everything that is enduringly important to us—depends on healing all of us into wholeness. This we can do by inquiring and uniting as humans: First, look at your own relationship to the concept. Would you prefer to live in a kinder, more humane world? And if so, can you imagine such a world in which human unity is not a central principle? Human unity is the essence of everything you you and I wished for when we were young, when we wondered why grown-ups were getting into arguments and waging wars. Human nature? We often hear unappealable explanations for failures on Earth: "It’s just human weakness," "subject to human error," "We are only human," and, of course, "It’s human nature, you know." These comments about human nature stem from nothing other than our separation from our humanness. Identifying with our divisions, we have not yet manifested our essential nature. The human is the quintessence of our lives, the ground upon which we integrate and optimize the diverging parts of our lives. Imagine a world where we all agree that we are humans. Is not this agreement a more practical base for our lives than any of our disagreements? What is the source of this project's strength? It is this opportunity to participate in the birthing of a fundamental, constructive shift in how we see each other, and live therefrom. It is the singularity of the untapped and irrevocably inherent agreement, "We are all human beings." This accord releases—empirically and directly, to each and all on Earth—our native authority for securing and fulfilling our lives. Because this agreement is so obviously true, people tend to think of it as merely a fact to relegate to the background, like knowing that water is wet. In actuality, if brought to the foreground, this agreement is the root that nourishes and supports all the branches of human diversity and would allow us to act in concert. The day after a nuclear attack, what would we wish we had done? TRUE SECURITY ONLY THROUGH HUMAN UNITY How do we release and harness our universal human agreement?—by including one another as humans, everywhere in the world. A paradigm shift allowing us to live and operate as humans must occur simultaneously on many levels: The packet in this folder offers approaches on three levels: "A The "Human Focus Exercise" provides an an inquiry into personal identification, explored person to person. The "Human-focused Scenario" (in the brochure) and "Forming a Human World" (in the "Invitation to Agreement") offer avenues for shifting our public, worldwide relationships. Recognizing ourselves and each other as humans can be done through countless activities. Readers are encouraged to explore and tap into their own unique creativity, talents, and avenues for practicing human inclusion throughout the world. The message of Human Unity is not that we must relinquish our cherished and invaluable differences. Rather it is that we must embrace our forgotten and unexplored shared innate potential as humans. To defend your own life, why not join with the world’s six billion human beings who already, empirically as humans, agree with you? In so doing, we can build a sense of freedom and fullness far deeper than the satisfactions we are able to acquire solely from our competitive achievements and personal accumulations. Our myriad diverse manifestations connect at our human core. When we affirm operationally that "We are all human beings," we will begin to lose our learned habits of inhumane and violent interactions due solely to our differences. This is crucial in our post–September 11 world. What is important is not how unfamiliar human unity may seem from the present modus operandi of today’s world, but how imperative and urgent the need for human unity is, and how appropriately it addresses the problems and challenges we all face. The advent of human unity will restore our authentic and effortlessly occurring sense of responsibility for ourselves, each other, and our children. Perhaps once in a lifetime each of us has the privilege of encountering an opportunity to participate in a venture that truly serves our highest sense of who we are and who we could be. Have no doubt that you are honoring your highest aspirations for yourself, as well as your deepest sense of responsibility for others, when you bring human unity to your own life. Fresh, practical ways will open for you to bring it to the lives of others. The unique initiative of the Human Unity Project requires the engagement of well-known, respected people to lend their support toward all humans becoming secure, free, wholly alive, and truly themselves. Disseminating this message, and deepening this inquiry through media worldwide, ultimately will reap incomparable monetary returns and public goods alike. Imagine the cost benefit of economies investing in highest shared human priorities rather than on warfare. Using the measure of the yield generated by the entire world to date, human unity benefits would be exponentially greater. If you have not signed the Declaration of Human Unity, we have enclosed two copies. The ornamental copy is yours to keep. Please sign the other copy and return it in the provided stamped envelope. We would also deeply value, in the "Comments" space, a statement of your support and encouragement suitable for publication. Finally, your generous support for the Human Unity Project will serve to advance our full inheritance: human agreement, unity, and wholeness of life for each and every one of us throughout the world. We thank you in advance for your crucially important consideration, questions, suggestions, support, and leadership, securing for all on Earth the unique prospect of the Human Unity Project. —Eugene A. Haggerty © 2001–2006 World Public Forum—All rights reserved |